Sunday, April 25, 2010

Psalm 119:49-56 His word Comforts

Psalm 119:49 “Remember your word to your servant, in which you have made me hope.”
Psalm 119:56 “This blessing has fallen to me, that I have kept your precepts.”

Its always difficult when things, bad things, harsh things, unforeseen things happen. It causes us pain, emotionally, mentally, physically, and sometimes even spiritually. How many believers have found themselves caught up in a situation that seems hopeless, where God must act and it seems that He doesn't. These bewildered believers start doubting and start wondering; they start ignoring all that God has done in their lives up to that point and they forget that He knows what is happening and what will happen because of it. These baffled believers wander away, saying God ignores them so they might as well ignore Him. Its hard to find comfort in such situations.

Scant comfort is found in the world. It's harsh realities implode dreams, destroy preparations, disillusion the young, bring despair to the elderly, create havoc in families, and disappoint the most optimistic! Yet despite all that we are reminded that there is a fount of comfort, gentle arms waiting to enfold us, caressing fingers twitching to wipe away every tear. We forget that there is a back bruised and scarred, willing – even wanting – to take any and all offered wounds, bruises, scars, and scabs. The comfort is there from the Great Comforter, the Healer, the Father. We forget that the Word of God is not just a book of laws, precepts, judgments, advice, and learning but also a book of comfort, of commiseration, of empathy.

God's word comforts us and draws us through our experiences. Do we find ourselves alone, ignored and avoided by everyone else? The Bible is there to be our companion and to teach us about The Great Companion. Are we rejected, abused, mocked, and forsaken? The Word reminds us that we are to count ourselves worthy and blessed to suffer the same as our Lord, who suffered all this and more! Do we need cheering up? There is a passage that deals with what we are going through and can aid us in our struggle. Have we a desire for beauty that we cannot find? There are passages of such eloquence and pristine splendor that beggars anything else we should run into. Do we need peace in the midst of our hectic day? There are gentle reminders and places we can turn to to find such needed peace. Do we find ourselves believing God has forgotten us or ignored us? We are reminded that nothing can take us from His love, that His word endures forever, that He never reneges on a promise, that He remembers us, and that all that is going on will make His glory all the greater when we see it come to full fruition.

The comfort we often times seek is buried in simple, small passages in His Word, hidden gems that are precious precisely because they are valuable to our current state, ministering to us even as we find these hidden nuggets of treasure. When we are hungry, food is more valuable than money. When we thirst, water is dearer than our closest treasure. When our hearts ache, the Bible proves its worth. When we delve deep into God's word, absorbing it, heeding it, following it, then we find ourselves blessed, guided and comforted. Hope and Love pour from its pages. This week, lets learn to apply this priceless treasure more fully, running to it for everything.

Word of God, O Word eternal,
May we hear Thy living voice,
Learn the power of Love supernal,
Learn obedience, and rejoice;
God’s commands forever heeding,
Follow where His love is leading.


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