Sunday, May 09, 2010

Psalm 119:65-72: The Lord's word is Promise and Care

Psalm 119:65 “I am your servant, LORD, and you have kept your promise to treat me with kindness.” CEV
Psalm 119:72 “I would rather obey you than to have a thousand pieces of silver and gold.” CEV

Today is mother's day, a day to show our love and appreciation to our mothers, who raised us, who cleaned our dirty diapers, who wiped our dirty faces, who hugged us when we were down, who rejoiced with us when we had great experiences. Our moms dutifully cleaned our dirty laundry, mended torn clothes, and bandaged bloody knees and elbows even when they had better things to do. Without our moms, I doubt any of us would have had as great a time growing up. Because of all that I can think of and remember my Mom doing for me, my heart breaks for those who grew up without mothers. They are missing one of life's great treasures.

As great as mothers are, God is greater. As good, kind, and dutiful as my mom is, God is better, kinder, and more dutiful. God's promises are sure to happen. God's blessings are constant and His word is true. In this section of the 119th psalm, the psalmist uses the imagery of a basket to write and speak about God's word. An open basket has promise. Anything can be put into the basket and contained for some later use. Anything can be stored which also means that a basket stores things. A food basket stores food and a laundry basket stores laundry (both dirty and clean). When God comes and gives, He gives in good measure “packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap” (Luke 6:38) David wrote basically saying that his basket was filled so much that it was overflowing! The Psalmist's claim of the bounty of God is reminiscent of Ruth's claim of the bounty of Boaz (Ruth 2:10). David said that because he was so blessed by God and God's promises that his basket had no room for the lies and reputation smearing of others.

David was filled with the God's good judgments and wisdom and commands that there was no room for the filth that others were trying to speak into his life. The only correction he needed was from God. He saw every problem, every issue, every empty basket as a chance for God to shine. God fixed every problem, He solved every issue, and He filled every empty basket. God cleaned the dirty laundry in David's life, bandaged and healed the gaping wounds that David suffered, mended and cleaned where it was needed. God raised him from spiritual infant-hood to adulthood, He showered mercy, grace, and kindness when David was depressed and at loose ends. God rejoiced when David overcame problems. God was pleased when David had great experiences, and He corrected David when David broke the rules. God had done all this and more for David and the amazing thing, the awesome thing, the wondrous thing is that God promises to do this for us!

David valued God's word above everything else and we are challenged to do the same. Often times we forget the promises of God or we don't understand them. God always keeps His promises, God always comes through and we need to remind ourselves of that. We need to fill our lives with God as David did. Lets do that this week!

Jesus, my Savior, is precious to me,
He careth for me;

Loving and keeping me happy and free,
He careth for me.

He careth for me, He careth for me,
He loves and He keeps me,

I’m happy and free.
He careth for me, He careth for me,

He loves and He keeps me,
He careth for me.


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