Sunday, May 30, 2010

Psalm 119:89-96: His word Transforms

Psalm 119:89 “Our LORD, you are eternal! Your word will last as long as the heavens.” (CEV)
Psalm 119:96 “Nothing is completely perfect, except your teachings.” (CEV)

Education and learning is one of those things which we always seem to take for granted. Maybe it is because we grew up inundated with the idea of going to school or perhaps because we never went through life without having any opportunity at a formalized education. We are blessed to have all this education at our fingertips. We can go to college, we can take classes at the community center next door, we can sign up for correspondence school or Internet classes. We can even go online and find instructions or teachings for anything! Most of the Bible study tools I use are online, freely available to all! I can turn on the radio and find any number of Pastors who can expound on any passage on any topic as well. We have this opportunity that David never had for teachings, and yet how often do we see ourselves or see God's teaching have this much effect on our lives?

Maybe I need to clarify “this much effect.” If you recall the previous section or octonary, David was begging, crying out for God to meet needs, to show Himself, to aid David. In this section, David is rejoicing, ecstatic, giving praises and exulting the Lord and His word. God has led David to this point where David can now see how he has learned more of God through the trials he has faced.

David uses the forms and ideas of “Lamed” to share his experiences in this passage. Lamed is a shepherd's crook used for guiding sheep or oxen, for leading the way to wherever the shepherd is going. Lamed also means “learn” and “teach” (depending on usage). David's writings show all of these forms of the word. Consider verse 92, “If I had not found happiness in obeying your Law, I would have died in misery.” where David shows how the shepherd's staff of learning has allowed him joy rather than misery. David rejoices saying “You remain faithful in every generation” (verse 90) because David knew the stories and the history of his people, where God acted for the people of Israel, but David also had seen God work in his life as well, saving, rescuing, teaching him! David had experienced God in his own life and that made all the difference to him. He could in all honesty say “Nothing is completely perfect, except your teachings.”

This week, we ourselves need to take a deeper look at scripture, at the Word of God which so blessed David and encouraged him. We need to spend more time in it because we have been slacking off. We have gotten busy, tired, and even forgetful. Our daily personal time with God has become something of a joke because we don't truly spend the time in one-on-one time listening to God. We read a passage and say “thanks for this day” and then go about the rest of our day. We don't allow the Word to become a transformative power in our lives, we don't allow it to truly try and test us, and we don't allow it to teach and lead us! We had our excuses, but now lets make every effort to put ourselves back where we need to be – learning from God's Word. There are no more excuses. Lets see where God takes us

I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew
He moved my soul to seek him, seeking me
It was not I that found, O Savior true;
no, I was found of thee.

Thou didst reach forth thy hand and mine enfold;
I walked and sank not on the storm-vexed sea.
'Twas not so much that I on thee took hold,
as thou, dear Lord, on me.

I find, I walk, I love, but oh, the whole
of love is but my answer, Lord, to thee!
For thou wert long beforehand with my soul;
always thou lovedst me.


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