Sunday, June 06, 2010

Psalm 119:97-104; The oceans contained in His word

Psalm 119:97 “Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day.”
Psalm 119:102 “I do not turn aside from your rules, for you have taught me.”

Going to the ocean is a fun experience. Each wave offers something new and exciting, especially if you are young. Splashing around in the waves, jumping and squealing in joy, occasionally being tumbled by a wave, it was so much fun! As you got older, you swam more and played in the shallow waves less. At some point you become interested in what is under the waves and the new world that snorkeling or scuba diving brings. There is always more to explore and more to learn in the ocean. This is the same imagery that the Psalmist brings up in this section of the 119th Psalm.

David proclaims that the Word of the Lord is deeper and contains more wealth and knowledge than anything or anyone else in the world. There is more to be learned from the Word than from any other source. David is willing to spend every waking minute studying God's word because it is that important to him. Again David reiterates that it is more valuable than anything in the world. The simple act of knowing God's Word brings more understanding and more wisdom than being a part of Mensa or having X number of P.H.D's. We see this idea later in scripture when Paul writes “For the wisdom of this world is folly with God.” (1 Cor 3:19)

Isn't it great to know that as followers of Christ, as Believers in the One, the Creator of Heaven and Earth and all in the universe that when we study scripture and take the time to learn it, we become some of the smartest people in the world? Sure, the rest of the world will mock us and will not understand what we are doing or thinking. They don't see what we are doing as very smart or intelligent or wise (1 Cor 2:14). They only see what they want to see. They see their desires and hopes and dreams and they think we should want the same things. Perish the thought! I want the things of God. We should all want what God wants for our lives because time and time again history has proven that His way is better, that His way survives, that His way excels, that His way is constantly at the forefront of every measuring stick and bar known to mankind. It is only when shown the wisdom in God's Word that we are able to succeed though. The depths of His word exceed the depths of the Mariana Trench and it encompasses more topics, thoughts, etc than all the molecules of water in the world combined, and then raised to their own power! That is the wisdom of the Lord we serve!

Last week we made an effort to spend more time in the word. This week is the proof of it. Are we handling the situations we find ourselves in better? Have we found ourselves sharing the same attitude that Christ Himself had, considering what He had as nothing of worth, but us as everything to Him? Have we found ourselves in places where God's very word, studied that morning, is not only applicable, but profitable for us? Then we have succeeded in our goal of last week and we begin to see the extent that His word reaches and encompasses our very lives. We begin to see the sea of His love, of His mercy, and of His promises.

Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
Through eternal ages let His praises ring,
Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God


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